During the first week of September a PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION OF WESTLETON COMMON will be mounted in the new Foyer at the Village Hall. This will be a substantial display which will remain in place throughout the Autumn with a few pictures being changed each month.

The proposal to have an Exhibition like this came from the March meeting of the Westleton Common Advisory Group and was strongly supported by the Parish Council and the Trustees of the Village Hall. During the lockdown much of the work was done on bringing the photographs together and on the general management of the project. The result is a kaleidoscope of the flora and fauna that can be seen on the Common at different times of the year.

Thanks are due to everyone who has contributed to this Exhibition in some way other, be it with photographs or in administration. It is hoped that it will encourage residents to visit the Common on a regular basis and enjoy the pleasures and benefits of this beautiful asset that we have on our doorstep.