Preparations are now in full swing for our village Christmas event this Saturday and we really hope you will be able to join us.

The craft and gift fair, which is inside the Village Hall, starts at 2pm and finishes at 6pm. To ensure we make the event as Covid-secure as possible we will be asking all visitors to sanitise hands, sign in, adhere to social distancing and wear face coverings (unless exempt) whilst they are in the hall please.

The switch-on of the Christmas Lights will be at approximately 4.30pm and we would like to ask that if you are coming to watch that you either stand within the Village Hall car park or on the pavements and do not stray onto the road. The surrounding street lighting isn’t the brightest so it might be an idea to bring a torch with you.  There will be two disabled parking spaces at the hall available.

If you are planning to buy some Christmas gifts from the wonderful stalls or join in the raffle, then please be sure to bring some cash with you as not all the Stallholders will have card machines. Village Hall Christmas cards will be on sale too, at £4 for 8 cards.

At the time of writing the weather forecast is looking positive, so please keep your fingers crossed it stays that way.

See you Saturday!