Ukrainian Refugee Crisis Talk

We are hosting a FREE Ukrainian Refugee Crisis talk from local charity New Routes on Friday 22nd April 7pm. Thank you to Gee to coming to talk to us about their work and how we can help. Tickets available from the Foyer and shop from today. For more information please see:

Exhibition Space Available

We have a lovely, bright Foyer which lends itself beautifully to exhibit art or other exhibitions. We currently have space in April and May, so do get in touch if you’re interested. Excellent rates and flexibility. Call 01728 648354 or email [email protected] Here’s Robin’s current lovely exhibition – only here until 31st March – do […]

Books, books and more books please!

If you’re having a spring clean and don’t know what to do with any books you don’t want, then please donate them to us, for our big Book Fair at the end of October. All in aid of the hall. We are collecting already and ideally want to have thousands of interesting books to offer […]

April Film Night

Tickets now available in the Foyer and Westleton Store for our next fabulous film on Saturday 2nd April New ice cream flavours will be available to enjoy too, yum!  More info here: Nomadland

Dogs Welcome!

We love dogs of all shapes and sizes here! They are welcome throughout the hall, as long as they are kept on a lead and don’t enter the kitchen So do bring your pooch down – they are guaranteed a warm welcome and bowl of water – and maybe they will enjoy making some new […]

Westleton Gardens Needed!

More medium to large gardens needed please for the Westleton Open Gardens weekend on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th June! Don’t be shy, please do share your garden with others. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even weed-free; great news! For more information contact Marilyn Stephens on 01728 649088.