New Exhibition in Foyer

This month and throughout September local artist Joan Hodgkiss is exhibiting her beautiful etchings based on Sufffolk landscapes and local natural history. Available framed and unframed, plus her new collages on the theme of Roman artefacts. Cards are also on sale. The exhibition will be open in the Foyer on weekdays from 10am -12 noon […]

Election Day and New Exhibition

No paw prints on cards allowed at polling day today! But biscuits much appreciated. Well done our doggy friends, a nice line-up. While you’re here voting why not pop in a view TPR Canham’s beautiful works in the Foyer? Called ‘Suffolk – the Beauty and the Bleak’, and is open for viewings and sales (from […]


Thank you to all who came and supported the village BBQ last weekend. And huge thanks too to the chefs, organisers, servers and cleaner-uppers, and many more. A big team of wonderful volunteers! Also here’s a lovely photo of Brian at his ‘retirement’ presentation (since seen at Soup and Pud serving the bubbly!). Many thanks […]