Lovely events at the Hall!

Lots of fun was had on Race Night recently! Thanks to all who came and made it a lovely evening. Jen is also holding various events at the Hall and locally – from Earthdance to silent discos and meditation – something for everyone. Only £9 per class.

New Foyer Exhibition

Bernadette Haynes is now exhibiting her beautiful watercolour pencil pet portraits in the Foyer.  These aren’t for sale but are examples that can be commissioned through Bernadette.  Her work captures the characters of pets perfectly, bringing them to life.  Contact details can be supplied via: [email protected]

Foyer Exhibition and 3D4ALL Group

Carole’s photography exhibition will be in the Foyer only until next Tuesday (30th April) – so do pop in and see her unusual and impressive work – available for viewing and purchase 10am-12noon weekdays. The Sculpture Club (currently called 3D4ALL) has another meeting on Tuesday 14th May at 2pm in the Foyer. More information below.