Hall for All fundraising events are resuming, with limited socially distanced seating. Admission by Tickets purchased in advance only, usually £5 each, available from Westleton Village Stores three weeks in advance of the event. No refreshments just now so please bring your own: 7.00 for 7.30pm start. Please visit the Forthcoming Events page for details
Latest News
Westleton Common – Photographic Exhibition
During the first week of September a PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION OF WESTLETON COMMON will be mounted in the new Foyer at the Village Hall. This will be a substantial display which will remain in place throughout the Autumn with a few pictures being changed each month. The proposal to have an Exhibition like this came from […]
The Hall AGM (via Zoom) is on Tuesday 29 September at 7pm.
The delayed AGM of the Hall will be held (via Zoom) on Tuesday 29 September at 7pm. The link for the meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83656166404?pwd=dkhoQ1ZVSEJvbkJnNHdBazBuVVFjQT09 The Meeting ID is 836 5616 6404 and the Passcode is 051625 If you do not have a suitable device you can also dial in and participate (with audio only) from […]
Thank you, everybody !
Hall re-opening planned for Thursday 6 August
Work to make the Hall Covid-secure is nearing completion, and we hope that we shall be able to re-open for normal activities and new bookings on Thursday 6 August. The Foyer will then be open for (socially-distanced) Coffee (etc) from 10am to 12 noon on Mondays and Thursdays, and there will also be an informal […]
Westleton Gardens Photos wanted !
Photos of your gardens during the lock-down are requested for a Westleton Lock-down Gardens evening slideshow event early in 2021… E-mail your photos to Ivor Murrell before July 31st: see further details here.
Craft Fair cancelled, but new web-page has information…
The Craft Fair planned for the weekend of the Wildflower Festival has been cancelled, but we have set up a web-page with information about exhibitors and their products here
Virtual Art Gallery
We have set up a Virtual Art Gallery page to showcase the work being done by members of the Westleton Art Group. Click the link in the menu at the bottom of any page on the website (or here) to see the gallery. You can then click on any image to get a full screen […]
Food Bank collections
We have recently set up a collection service for donations of food (etc) to the Leiston Food Bank. Boxes in which to put donated items will be put outside the Foyer door on Thursdays each week. A list of suggestions of what to donate is available here.
Using Zoom
A quick guide to using Zoom for on-line “meetings” is available on the Community Care Network page