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Date(s) - 29/09/2020
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Westleton Village Hall

Categories No Categories

Rooms N/A

The delayed AGM of the Hall will be held (via Zoom) on Tuesday 29 September at 7pm.

The link for the meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83656166404?pwd=dkhoQ1ZVSEJvbkJnNHdBazBuVVFjQT09 The Meeting ID is 836 5616 6404 and the Passcode is 051625

It may also be possible to attend by going to the Hall where Annie will have Zoom set up on the big screen: if you would like to do this please let Annie know by email ([email protected]) or by phoning the Hall number 648354, so that she can arrange appropriate seating etc.